To Market, to Market...Again!

Just where has this week gone??!! It's already time for the Lawton Farmer's Market tomorrow and I haven't even posted my pictures from last weekend. Pitiful. I have been busy watering, and cutting, and drying lavender and making soap and products. Perhaps that will be a good enough excuse.

Tomorrow I will have the first of the darker purple dried lavender bundles, namely Hidcote and Twickle Purple. And "Oh, Bug Off!" will be back just in time for the holiday weekend.

So last week we had this little cutie who was as yet unnamed. Snickers was one of the names they were considering and I think it fits, don't you? Just look at that sweet little puppy face!

And this is sweet little Lizzie. Hello Lizzie! Lizzie's Mom loves lavender!

Lastly, this is Molly, who took a break from the heat and scooted under the table. Smart dog since it was beastly hot.

Now for the humans...This is Glen, who helps at the market in every which way. I always appreciate it when he helps me wrangle my canopy! Thanks Glen!

And this is Ira, who has the most delicious Candy Apple onions. They're purple on the outside and white on the inside and so good between two pieces of bread. What? You haven't had an onion sandwich?!

This is Ronnie who brings his free range farm fresh eggs, both chicken and duck. I used the duck eggs in Nana's Cake, which I wrote about last year.  It made the cake higher in the pan and gave it a rich flavor. Go on, try them. You only live once!

This is Jerry and Patty. Such beautiful cabbages! Slaw anyone?

Lastly, isn't this a gorgeous lavender sachet? The picture doesn't do it justice. Such beautiful crochet and attention to detail. It was made by Victoria Stringer Watt who has been buying lavender by the cup at the market. Good news for you...they are available for purchase at Past Perfect Home Decor Consignment Shop at 1605A West Gore, Lawton, Oklahoma. Smells so good and what a great gift...totally made in Oklahoma from the lavender to the sachet. I'm keeping it by my bed where I can look at it. It makes me happy. Thanks, Victoria!

So I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the market!


Cathy saidā€¦
I've been having trouble with my comments settings so this is just a test to see if the pop up comment box works. :o)

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